Favorite Event Of Mine Poll

Started by Sponge, January 08, 2012, 04:32:33 PM

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I'd just like to see what events the players like the most. Whichever event gets the most votes will probably be hosted most of the time instead of the others. Unless 2 of them are pretty close together with the votes, then I could do both. Reply with what you liked about the event/didn't like and give some suggestions if you have any.


In my opinion, the RP hour was simply a w e s o m e. It was the only moment in this game I had (at least a bit) the feeling of beeing a student. And: You had to do something all the time! The only thing I disliked were, that some of the players had no plan what to do and just followed me so it was kind of boring. Also some other players, that didnt RP were annoying. I think we were lucky that so many players were online, because if there were less it wouldnt be that fun. I think a minimum is 8. Also I liked, that everybody CAN join whenever he wants. As I said, I liked the whole atmosphere.

if there would be a great storyline, I am sure you find somebody who resumes what happended and the DP shows ist. Also I think it wouldnt be wrong if you say what a RP is about (at the beginning of the event).

Again: Thanks Sponge!


I'm not a RP kind of guy, really. However the little I did do the event was fun. That's gotta say something since I don't play any games where I have to RP. I say the RP event was my favorite of all the ones I tried. Everything Stormy said is the same here. Being able to join as you want, no strict requirements. Makes for a fun game-play environment.


I voted for the deal or no deal but I meant to vote for the RP event. I agree with the posts above, it was fun. I think it'd be worth doing more RP situations like this, but get more dialogue going between the students.


I did like the RP event but I didn't like how controlled it was, I felt as though we couldn't really RP outside of the box and have a lot of freedom.


Thank you for all your opinions. The main issue is players not role playing. Role playing isn't just saying, "Hey" to eachother following boring statements. Players need to create a character for themself. However, I like hosting RP events. I find it a lot more fun then sitting around school doing nothing for hours on end.


TWC Player From 2011


I liked the RP hour because it actually felt like you were in hogwarts in the great hall talking to other students. i would like if there were more rp's rather then sit around doing nothing most the time.
Current Level 498
Current 7th Year Slytherin