Animal Patronus!

Started by Zen, February 19, 2015, 04:01:20 PM

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Pretty self explanatory, but as for the details:

1.) Allow people to import icons, they should be approved by the staff of course.

2.) Make a few base Patronus icons, to set an example for what the Patronus should look like.

3.) Let people control their Patronus from a 1st person camera view, warding off Dementors and other monsters. (Possibly kill them without giving you money/experience)


number one will be annoying to staff to approve icons all the time and i think it would be better to have a list of animal you can pick and only pick one of them that one will stay with you forever.

my reply to number 2 is oki :p well i might have a few patronus icons on my laptop somewhere

reply to 3 i like the idea of you controlling it but don't see the point in using this on other monster as it originally for dementors..also i find it point less that even if it could kill other monster no exp or gold also i think other people will be using it just for fun or annoy others instead of getting of there ass and actually going to kill them other monster to earn gold or exp(yes it would be fun for a level 650 i suppose as some monster we don't earn gold off or exp)...

also zen if you can't accept my opinions on your suggestion don't take it out on me in game thanks, calling me stupid or a downer in game will not change my opinions on anyone's suggestions everyone can give opinions on anyone's suggestion board, positive or negative opinions...


I was messing with you in game, but then you started to make no fucking sense whatsoever, you said 'It will be annoying if the GM's have to keep approving or disapproving somebody who spams icon requests (note, I cleaned up your grammar), I replied that they could add a feature to block somebody who is spamming requests, or ban them since spam is not allowed in TWC. You replied, 'it wood still be anooyin though'. I then replied, 'If you ban somebody, and they can't send the requests, they couldn't possibly annoy the GM's.

You then told me that Dementors weren't in the game, rendering the spell useless, I asked you if you had read what I posted, where I mentioned that I think a controllable Patronus should be able to repel/kill monsters without giving rewards. I then asked you why you didn't like the suggestion that players should be able to have unique Patronus.

Your reply made no sense, you said that everyone having a controllable Patronus would be unique enough

I asked you if you understood the word unique, you said 'ofc i do'.

We went on to argue about your intelligence level, I would like to claim victory in that argument.

If you're going to make me out as some villain that verbally attacked you and told you not to post negative ideas to my topic, do it right.

Have a wonderful fucking day.

P.S your dueling skills are like Snooki, they suck dick.

Not Percy Jackson

Can you just be respectful to each other in Suggestions? If you argue for stupid things , argue it in the game , that has nothing to do in here.

Current : Ravenclaw
Current : Peruvian
Current : Rotem's bitch
Ex : Hufflepuff
Ex : Ravenclaw
Ex : Gryffindor
Ex : Slytherin


In my opinion Massive notes problems that should be fixed before those suggestions are added, I know it may be tough to accept but sometimes our ideas is shit, everyone keeps telling me my ideas are shit ABOUT THAT, FUN FACT, ROTEM ONCE STARTED A SUGGESTION ABOUT ADDING BACK DEMENTORS but she was told her ideas are shit, guess what we don't have to this very day? Dementors.

1. I have no problem with it as long as icons go through suggestion board and eventually get added to the base icon list making them accessible to all players and as long those icons are not shit.
2. Sure, go ahead and icon them please, original good icons approved by Justin.
3. Dementors can't be killed, they're immortal. I'd also want to have some sort of system in placed for the "happy memory" where if your memory is extremely good you'd BLAST the fudge out've dementors like Harry does, rather than control an animal and fight off dementors 1 by 1.

Furthermore, to complete this suggestion you'd have to come up an idea for dementors and dementia, I feel expecto, dementia and dementors are all in same group. Feel free to look up my suggestion about dementors and see if you have something to add.
