a avada for 20 Spell points

Started by maxsteel, May 29, 2014, 06:38:32 PM

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i was thinking about a avada spell well need this things to have it
MP : 1000
Spellpoints : 20
can be in safezone ? : NO
more about it : it is a spell , you can use it once every 160 seconds , preppy much looks like the GMs Avada but this is not , to avoid killing fast let's put damage , 2000 damage ? yea that is good.
as i see this is fun put the gamemasters will be annoyed then xD
level 500
         event maker on twc
~rip maxsteel~
"I give up , there is no use with arguing here."

Zachary Lyons

Avada has to be a one hit kill in order to stay true to the Harry Potter universe.


I agree with Zachary. Furthemore, the purpose of the spell is already well catered with the existing attacking spells.

Which brings me to a point that I'd love to get off my chest:
If you are a young player who sees the older players as a huge challenge, do not believe Avada Kadavra or "performing miracles" is the answer to your problems. When I was a new player, all of us newbs fought the Death Eaters until we were blue in the face. We wanted to be better than them, we wanted to develop and we wanted to maximise the game's enjoyment. We seeked to study them, we seeked advice from them, I was fortunate enough to be mentored by one of the most powerful players of my era - it really opened up my future. It also allowed me to have more fun. Imagine doing something other than sitting around?

You can do it. You do not need spells of maximum power to enjoy the game. Learn the arts.