IMPORTANT MASSAGE for GM and other players in TWC movie

Started by maxsteel, January 22, 2014, 07:47:20 AM

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hello players of TWC and GM
soooo i am making this massage cuz see that no one has added his name and byond key on the post to enter the movie so they can act soo do i cancel the movie until players enter it ? and as i said that i need GM (like murra ,justin and rotem) to help me in somthings in the movie as the story of movie said some crazy things  that need some icons (you can make the light by a square it's color is blue and you can make the fire by adding the fire spell every where but doesnt move and other things like DARK LORD CHAIR and other stuff) and the movie needs 5DE AND 5 AROURS and unless 10 other actors (for traviling and at school and people who is fight the dark lord and stuff )  and as we need a hero (that the story is all about hem ) and the girle that the hero love her and she love hem
sooooooooooo going to see if you guys going to join or no 
level 500
         event maker on twc
~rip maxsteel~
"I give up , there is no use with arguing here."