Player Event Suggestions

Started by Seta Jaganshi, May 31, 2013, 01:27:55 AM

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Seta Jaganshi

Hello there everyone!

So, one of the biggest things we GMs are here for is to bring entertaining new events into the game for you guys. These range from large scale events like TWC Idol and Prom to smaller events such as Spitfire's Bunny in a Goal and Ash's Rampaging Wolf.

One of the things I personally would like to see more of is events added in that you, the players, are interested in seeing. Have an idea for a fun event? Post it here and one of my awesome Co-Workers or myself may just decide to use it in the game! Please try to be as detailed as possible when suggesting an event. If possible, please be sure to add a suggested name for the event, the objective of the game, how it would be played, rules, etc. In other words, the more details the better!